To sign up for November 16th training go here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/introduction-to-trauma-informed-yoga-training-tickets-1029926647327?aff=oddtdtcreator

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Featured Partners
We Rise Yoga has teamed up with some terrific partners both in offering continuing education credits in courses, but also in our class offerings giving our certified teachers the ability to teach in some wonderful environments.

Yoga for healing and Recovery

Yoga for healing and Recovery

We Rise offers trauma-certified yoga course training

We Rise Intro

We Rise
Why is We RISE Yoga Good For You?

A Word from Our Trainees

The R.I.S.E. Program Includes:
The 20-hour R.I.S.E. Yoga course is suitable for yoga teachers, mental health professionals, counselors, behavioral therapists, or anyone who would like to educate themselves on how trauma or long-term stress can affect the brain and body.
Our expert instructors will introduce students to the core concepts of how the brain and body are both affected by trauma and how it can have lasting effects. R.I.S.E Yoga uses the approach of attending to the needs of the students first, how to apply methods of movement, connecting with breath, and using invitational dialogue to help others heal.
Our instructors provide an in-depth, hands-on training, and give yoga teachers the tools to create trauma-informed classes, and give mental-health clinicians new practices to use with their clients. This course will be offering CEU Credits for all Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, CPC's, and Counselors pending approval.
Learning the definition of trauma and practice of mindfulness and how it is useful in behavioral interventions
The psychology of trauma and neurophysiology
Breathing and self-regulation techniques
Posture sequencing, queuing & appropriate postures
Identify how yoga and mindfulness can help with creating body and mind connection, and how this can be useful in teaching impulse control, emotion regulation and interpersonal skills.
Opportunities for hands on practice
Identify and practice techniques to help increase personal mindfulness as well as group mindfulness.
Anatomy presentation
R.I.S.E. Yoga for kids
R.I.S.E. Yoga for persons with limited mobility
Appropriate hands on assists
Compassion fatigue and mindful self-care practices for professionals